每月營業額報告 Monthly Revenue
110年 ( 2021 ) 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月

民國110年11月 ( Nov, 2021 ) 單位:新台幣仟元 Unit:NTD'000
項目 Items 營業收入淨額 Operating Revenue
本月 This Month 113,875
去年同期 The Corresponding Month Last Year 265,099
增減金額 Increase or Decrease Amount -151,224
增減百分比 Increase or Decrease Percentage -57.04
本年累計 Accumulated This Year 1,678,484
去年累計 Accumulated The Corresponding Month Last Year 2,448,307
增減金額 Increase or Decrease Amount -769,823
增減百分比 Increase or Decrease Percentage -31.44
備註 / 營收變化原因說明 Remarks / Explanation of reasons for revenue changes 市場變化影響所致 Due to Market Change

The above revenue figures are the numbers announced and reported by Yuan High-Tech to the OTC security every month, and the final revenue figures are subject to the financial report certified by the accountants.