每月營業額報告 Monthly Revenue
109年 ( 2020 ) 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月

民國109年4月 ( Apr, 2020 ) 單位:新台幣仟元 Unit:NTD'000
項目 Items 營業收入淨額 Operating Revenue
本月 This Month 148,553
去年同期 The Corresponding Month Last Year 112,821
增減金額 Increase or Decrease Amount 35,732
增減百分比 Increase or Decrease Percentage 31.67
本年累計 Accumulated This Year 438,571
去年累計 Accumulated The Corresponding Month Last Year 379,025
增減金額 Increase or Decrease Amount 59,546
增減百分比 Increase or Decrease Percentage 15.71
備註 / 營收變化原因說明 Remarks / Explanation of reasons for revenue changes

The above revenue figures are the numbers announced and reported by Yuan High-Tech to the OTC security every month, and the final revenue figures are subject to the financial report certified by the accountants.